Content 目录
Find extremals of a list/table 寻找一个list或者table的极值点/极值
Input: Sort[{{a, 2}, {c, 1}, {d, 3}}, #1[[2]] < #2[[2]] &]
Output: {{c, 1}, {a, 2}, {d, 3}}
Input: listmi = Table[{t, pdeSolnL2}, {t, 0, 2000, 100}]
{{0, 0.}, {100, 4.1919910^-9}, {200, 1.5506710^-6}, {300, 9.49167*10^-6}, {400, 0.0000208475}, {500, 0.0000311942}, {600, 0.0000391877}, {700, 0.0000449636}, {800, 0.0000490262}, {900, 0.0000518596}, {1000, 0.0000538239}, {1100, 0.0000551772}, {1200, 0.0000560933}, {1300, 0.0000566587}, {1400, 0.0000570167}, {1500, 0.0000571755}, {1600, 0.0000572371}, {1700, 0.0000571868}, {1800, 0.0000570839}, {1900, 0.0000569266}, {2000, 0.0000567222}}
Input: Sort[listmi, #1[[2]] > #2[[2]] &]
{{1600, 0.0000572371}, {1700, 0.0000571868}, {1500, 0.0000571755}, {1800, 0.0000570839}, {1400, 0.0000570167}, {1900, 0.0000569266}, {2000, 0.0000567222}, {1300, 0.0000566587}, {1200, 0.0000560933}, {1100, 0.0000551772}, {1000, 0.0000538239}, {900, 0.0000518596}, {800, 0.0000490262}, {700, 0.0000449636}, {600, 0.0000391877}, {500, 0.0000311942}, {400, 0.0000208475}, {300, 9.4916710^-6}, {200, 1.5506710^-6}, {100, 4.19199*10^-9}, {0, 0.}}
▶️ Physics Courses
Content 目录
This document provides a collection of resources for high energy physics, including websites for paper downloads, conference notices, and recorded lectures, as well as tools for programming and function plotting, academic thesis writing, and physics jobs. It also includes useful Mathematica packages and code for finding extremals of a list/table and sorting by a specific element.