Content 目录

💫Research Interests

<aside> 💡 Black Hole Physics


<aside> 💡 Cosmology and String Theory


<aside> 💡 Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity


💫Project: Holographic Complexity in Generalized AdS Solitons

<aside> 💡 A related paper is in progress.


Advisor: Prof. Andrew Frey

Institution: University of Winnipeg

💫Project: Holographic Entanglement Entropy / Islands Outside the Horizon

<aside> 💡 Still in progress (I am still learning this topic. Below is just the first draft.)


Advisor: Prof. Song He

Institution: Jilin University

💫Project: Holographic Complexity / Python’s Lunch

<aside> 💡 Still in progress (I am still learning this topic. Below is just the first draft.)


Advisor: Prof. Song He

Institution: Jilin University

💫Project: TTbar Deformation with Generalized JT Gravity

<aside> 💡 This is the first research experience on high energy physics.


Advisor: Prof. Song He

Institution: Jilin University

💫Project: Graphene

The Dirac equation in general relativity, a guide for calculations

eq(1.15), eq(1.24), 1.26, 1.27

Equivalent forms of Dirac equations in curved spacetimes and...

The Dirac Equation in Curved Spacetime

Fast nuclear spin relaxation rates in tilted cone Weyl semimetals: redshift factors from Korringa relation - IOPscience

Phys. Rev. B 78, 045415 (2008) - Tilted anisotropic Dirac cones in quinoid-type graphene and $\ensuremath{\alpha}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{(\text{BEDT-TTF})}{2}{\text{I}}{3}$ (

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Content 目录

95c34847b5f87eaa237e3cf8f452930.jpg long-distance behavior of interest for us is,here determines the tilt of the Dirac cone.

force G=0 at x=-1 and x=1, it constrain 2 of 4 parameters in terms of others

cannot let ?=0 in log(?) 需要约束?>0
